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Hi, I’m Jim White and welcome to my show.

February 10, 2011

First off, you’ll notice I’m not the regular handsome host you see on TV. Fact of the matter is, I’m a jolly overweight thirty year old who works as an engineer by day, and a tabletop gamer by night. Not exactly your Ron Burgundy, no?

But I can tell you my mom loves me and thinks I’m the most handsome guy in the whole of the greater Seattle area (well, which mother doesn’t?). I’m also known by my coworkers as an enthusiastic, Santa Claus jolly-type person who breathes life into a party and brightens up a room by my sheer (overshadowing?) presence.

In addition to my sunny demeanor, I’m a bit of a social person in that I love talking to people and drinking in the nightlife. When not spending time at the pub down with the boys, I’m an environmental advocate for the local eco-consumer group. Basically, we promote awareness of local green companies, help them get affiliated with the Better Business Bureau and green consumer websites, and even urge local businesses to switch to best green web hosting providers (and yes, there ARE such things as those).

Lastly, as mentioned, I’m a bit of an avid gamer. Mostly RPG games like Warhammer 40k and Allies vs. Axis, but I do delve a bit into RTS (on the PC), and the newest game shooters like Call of Duty: World at War and the Modern Warfare series every now and then (when I’m using my Xbox).
So that’s it. Hope you enjoy reading my slice of the web 